There are lots of prospective issues of life that goes on in our every day life activities. Some of this issues are over looked by people. These issues happen around us and I took time to study them. I will put them down for you to see and judge if its true or not.
1.Where an individual thinks that something will come from,will not be the particular place it will come from. The thing will come from the opposite direction,so be vigilant!.
2.When an individual is sober,the ability for the individual to gather up the remaining pieces is what makes life worth living and that keeps the individual on the go.
3.If what you do makes you happy,don't stop doing it because of what people will say about it;stop doing it because you want to stop at your own will.
4.When search in a desperate mood,you won't find it immediately but the period you do not want that particular thing,it will be the time it will be showered on you.
5.The fast ability to forget the wrong thing someone did to you before the next day increases your life span.
6.Use what you have to get what you want,nothing goes for nothing.
7.Whatever you do unto others,others will do unto you.
8.If you have an ideal and you have the resources to establish it,do not waste time in achieving it.
9.Problems are created by those around us not those far from us.
10.What goes up must surely come down.
11.A man with little patience can't move a mountain but a man with lot of patience can move more than a mountain.
12.When you think every one is against you,there are some people that still value you.
13.When people condemn you,never condemn yourself.
14.People you trust the most are the ones that will betray you.
15.What you don't know will not know you but what you know will know you.
16.A man without a courageous mind can not excel on earth.
17.A person that doesn't sacrifice any thing in life won't achieve any thing in return so be reasonable.
18.A person that have good friends around will always be happy.
19.Life is a bed of roses for those who make it to be so.
20.The fruit of hard work is not reaped immediately but later.
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I salute you. The passion is contagious.