Thursday, July 5, 2012


Let us continue from where we stopped in this topic.
1.An individual that always depend on another will not succeed in life.
2.A hard working individual is a pride to his/her owner.
3.The speed on which you use to fight your enemies,that is the rate they run.
4.Mind the types of friends you keep because some are meant to destroy while some are meant to rebuild our life.
5.Always follow your heart.
6.Nothing is hidden under the sun.
7.Its good to be evergreen and natural.
8.What is yours will always be yours no matter how far it goes.
9.God test our faith by allowing things happen the way they do.
10.Things happen so that the prophesy to be fulfilled.
11.Friends that we don't see now in our life has no use in the future of our lives but those we meet in the future are useful to us by then.
12.If you believe something is yours,fight for it and never give up.
13.What goes around comes around.
14.Time will tell what the future holds.
15.Jealousy doesn't pay so control it and don't let it control you.
16.An idol mind is a devil's workshop so get busy with your mind.

This is the last episode for this prospective thinking. Am still your host peaklyn ponj. For your stories and jokes please visit:
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Thank you.

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