Water flow is the free passage of water through its channels and is not blocked by any obstacle. When you careful study nature,you will find out that nature is bless. Some of this nature gives us a clue of our emotional lives.
When it rains,the water that flow through the gutters or on track paths seem to move fast based on the nature of the rain. It might be either a heavy rain or shower or light rain. The more heavier the rain becomes the more faster the water flows. The more the rain,the more the ocean,rivers,stream, over flows. But when the channel where the water passes are blocked,we find out that water will flood that particular place. This will make the water to find another channel to pass through. This brings us to the issue of love flow.
Love flows like the water. When two people are in love,the more there emotions contract towards each other that is the more the water of love is been pushed through the two of them.
Sometimes,we seems to get bored of love because of our feeling is diminishing gradually which causes a blockage in the flow of love. This will lead you to look for other channels to follow there by cheating on your partner.
If you can give it a second chance by renewing our love by telling yourself the truth.
Never give up on the love you once felt for your partner,just unblock the channel and allow love to flow through you once again as it did when you both first met; this will to no room for break up. When you show more love to your partner,the love over fowls and turn to a flood of love. In some relationships where there seems not to be a true love,there is surely a blockage which lead to massive rate of break up.
All you need is to open up your heart when you love. Love as if there is no tomorrow,make your love life a beneficial part of your life. Just like the flow of waters,that is how it is with the flow of love.
Am your humble host peaklyn ponj. Follow me up on twitter: @peaklynponj
Facebook page: peaklyn ponj love diary
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